
Swiss Literature Award 2023

BAK / Julien Chavaillaz

Lettre à mon dictateur

Dear Eugène

In your letter to Nicolae entitled Lettre à mon dictateur, you give us a wonderful literary tightrope walk. You move between the big story, which is powerful, which can shape and crush people, and the small, individual story of a Romanian boy who comes to Switzerland at the age of six. Your text always remains on the threshold between laughter and anger, fear and joy, irony and seriousness.

Is your letter really addressed to your dictator? Yes. But not only to him. It is also addressed to yourself and to us who read it. It does not bring the demon to life, but rather seals his tomb. In contrast to those who want to shape history as a reflection of their megalomania, your text celebrates our misfortunes and fates, our smiles and mockery – or simply life itself. In defiance of the despot, your letter brings to light the stories, the small and precious stories, as great poetic acts of resistance. For this we thank you, dear Eugène.

The Federal Jury for Literature 2022

BAK / Julien Chavaillaz

Lettre à mon dictateur

Éditions Slatkine, Genève
ISBN 9782832111420

Translation rights:

Photos: BAK / Julien Chavaillaz