Judith Keller
Swiss Literature Award 2024
Judith Keller
Wilde Manöver
Judith Keller develops real poetics of the butterfly effect in her novel Wilde Manöver (Wild Manoeuvres). Through the absurd transcript of a police interrogation, we read how a young woman risks it all by spinning a web of lies. In the momentum of female self-empowerment and the crazy whirlwind of causation and causalities, tiny wings beat (an escape through an emergency exit) causing tornadoes (the Zurich train station ends up in the Indian Ocean). As space and time implode, the wild rush of the narrative remains the only certainty.
Wilde Manöver
Luchterhand Literaturverlag, Munich, 2023
ISBN 978-3-630-87743-3
Translation rights: Gesche Wendebourg, gesche.wendebourg@penguinrandomhouse.de
Photos: BAK / Julien Chavaillaz